Activites & Classes

“Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awareness, gives rise to benefits without limit.
We vow to share the fruit with all beings.”


7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Chanting, Meditation, Book Reading and Discussion (with Bhante Wimala)

  • Chanting (15 Minutes)

  • Meditation (30 Minutes)

  • Walking meditation (10 Minutes)

  • Book Reading and Discussion (30 minutes)

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Lotus Sutra Chanting Service

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Meditation, Book Reading, and Discussion (with Bhante Sutadhara)

  • Meditation (45 Minutes)

  • Book Reading and Discussion (45 minutes)

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Yoga with Dr. Sally McNally

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Buddha Recitation & Meditation

Vietnamese Dharma Service

  • Dharma Talk

  • Lunch

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Vietnamese Monthly Retreat

  • Review Five Precepts

  • Chanting and recitation of Buddha’s name

  • Sitting & Walking meditation

  • Dharma talk and discussion


  • Vietnamese New Year Festival

  • Vietnamese Lunar New Year

  • Temple Pilgrimage

  • Vesak Day (Celebration of the Enlightenment, Birth, and Passing of the Buddha)

  • Ullambana Day (Parents and Ancestry Day)

  • Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival

(V) : Vietnamese

Yoga Classes

with Dr. Sally McNally

Fridays – 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Suggested donation:

  • $10 – $20 per class (or)

  • $50 monthly (or)

  • $108 quarterly

Weekly Classes

Every Friday at 8:00 AM, we offer a group Hatha yoga class led by Dr. Sally McNally at our Buddha hall. Learn to practice ancient body postures (asanas), breathing, relaxation, concentration, and mindfulness techniques to improve core strength and overall health and wellness. Yogis of all skill levels are welcome to attend.

It is recommended that you arrive early to secure a spot for your yoga mat.

Our instructor, Dr. Sally McNally, is a longtime yoga practitioner and instructor. Although she teaches yoga professionally, Dr. Sally has donated all the proceeds from her Friday morning yoga classes to An Lac Mission for several years.

Check out her YouTube channel!

Mondays & Thursdays

The Ventura Buddhist Center has two regularly scheduled meditation periods each week on Monday and Thursday evenings. Both evening meditations start at 7:00 PM and are led by Venerable Sutadhara & Venerable Wimala (“Bhante” is the appropriate way to address). Both evenings include a meditation period followed by an open discussion period. At either of the discussion periods, you are encouraged to ask all your questions about meditation and Buddhism. The two evening activities differ in that Monday’s meditation period is shorter as it is preceded by a half hour of chanting, and the Thursday meditation session is longer.

Here are the details:

Meditation Classes

Monday: Chanting, Meditation, and Discussion

with Venerable Wimala

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Devotions include chanting in the Pāli, which is best known as the language of many of the earliest extant Buddhist scriptures. We chant parts of several Buddhist Sutras, first a few lines in Pāli, then the English translation. We start the devotions with a few words of instruction from Bhante, followed by the lighting of votive candles, offerings of incense, flowers, and various beverages, followed by three bows and about 20 minutes of chanting. This is followed by three more bows. These bows are in the Vietnamese style of knees and forearms on the floor. If you have difficulty bowing or prefer not to, please consider them optional or bow in the style to which you are accustomed. Bowing and/or attendance at the devotions are not required to participate in the evening’s meditation period.

Meditation and Walking Meditation – Following a few words of welcome and basic instructions in meditation, we sit for about 25 minutes to half an hour. This is followed by some instructions in walking meditation and the walking meditation completes the regular evening meditation activities. To learn more about basic meditation, please read our guide to meditation.

Open Discussion Period with tea and snacks – This is an excellent time to ask your questions about meditation and Buddhism while enjoying the company of others.

The evening meditations are offered free of charge, though donations are encouraged, and all proceeds go to the maintenance of An Lac Mission.

Thursday: Meditation and Discussion

with Bhante Sutadhara

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Meditation begins with our customary three bows. These bows are in the Vietnamese style of knees and forearms on the floor. If you have difficulty bowing or prefer not to, please consider them optional or bow in the style you are accustomed to. We then meditate for 45 minutes and this is followed by three more bows. To learn more about basic meditation, please read our guide to meditation.

Open Discussion Period – On Thursday, we have a longer discussion period. This gives time for a more in-depth discussion of various Buddhist, ethical, and philosophical topics.

The evening meditations are offered free of charge, though donations are encouraged
and all proceeds go to the maintenance of An Lac Mission.